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Nkanta Nse Nse

Samuel Umoh 

Amidst an atmosphere of excitement and enthusiasm, Monday, February 19th, 2024, brought the official end of the historic Guinness World Record Read-A-Thon by Ori Benedict, a promising student of the University of Calabar. 

A journey that started on February 12th, 2024, is aimed at surpassing the Guinness World Record for the Longest Hour of Read-Aloud. Haven successfully surpassed the approved 150 hours with an additional 23 hours, 

he now awaits scrutiny and final verdict from the Guinness World Record.

In her address, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Florence Banku Obi commended Ori Benedict for his outstanding effort, praising his dedication and encouraging more students to engage in activities that contribute to the university's global recognition.

In his remarks, Ori shared his inspiration, stating, "I want students to realize they can delve into extensive reading and reflection, not only on religious texts but also on educational materials. My determination to share the word of God served as my motivation." He expressed gratitude to his management, particularly Comr. Sandra Michael, for her invaluable service and encouragement. Ori also highlighted the commitment of his team members as a significant source of motivation throughout the endeavor.

The event featured prominent figures such as Prof. Florence Banku Obi, Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, accompanied by Prof. Angela Eyo Ita (DVC Academic), Prof. Eno Grace Nta, (DVC Admin), Prof. Tony Eyang (Dean of Students' Affairs), Prof. Michael Okom (Director of Alumni Affairs), Kichi Akwo Godsgift (President of Students' Union Government), and Comrade Augustine S. Apeh (Vice President of NOCRISPGSA). Representatives from Ogoja Students Association, the parent association, were also in attendance.

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