Breakings: Chief Patrick Eholor to sue Rt Hon. E Iyawe of the Nigeria Green Chamber.

Frontline Human Rights Activists and Labour Party South south leader, Chief Patrick Eholor (FONS) has officially vide his lawyers written to Engr. Esosa Iyawe,Who is a Member of Federal House of Representatives, representing oredo Constituency of Edo state to either retract his defamatory statement made against him vide shared whatsapp message or face legal action.

As we may all recall that on 29th December  2023, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, through His Excellency Ahmed Bola Asiwaju Tinubu signed palliatives for the 36 states of the Federation including the Federal Capital Territory. Since the approval, no sufficient information has been provided by members of house of representative as to the whereabout of the palliatives, whether same has been received from the Federal Government or not. No single info  was officially made available to constituents oredo and the  entire Edo state. 

Chief Patrick Eholor then through a press release, requested that details of the above should be shared by the above Egnr. Iyawe representing oredo in Federal House of Representative. What followed next, is an allegation made against Sir Patrick Eholor by Engr. Iyawe, that he was spreading false news. The consequence which has led to  chief Eholor briefing his lawyers to write  and then sue  RT. Hon. Iyawe in this regard. Below is the letter from legal  counsels to Chief Eholor:


Engr. Esosa Iyawe,

Member,Federal House of Representatives.

Oredo East Constituency of Edo state

National assembly Compex, Fct




The above subject matter refers;

We are solicitors to Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor herein referred to as our client on whose firm instructions we write to you as follows;

We write to convey to you our clients displeasure and dissatisfaction towards your response via WhatsApp social media platform in reaction to his humble and passionate appeal requesting for the palliative approved for the Oredo East Constituency of Federal Republic of Nigeria through his Facebook and WhatsApp platform. The aforementioned information below was given to us by our client, Which we believe as true as follows

Kindly recall that on the 29th December  2023, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Ahmed Bola Asiwaju Tinubu signed palliatives for the 36 states of the Federation including the Federal Capital Territory. Since the approval, no sufficient information has been provided as to the whereabout of the palliatives, whether same has been received from the Federal Government or not. No single information is officially available as to whether same has been disbursed to the general public or not.  The summary of the extent of the Palliatives provided for includes food palliative and solar palliatives to be delivered to the people of your Constituency.

Our client is a humanitarian activist and a stakeholder of Edo State and Nigeria at large who is seriously concerned about the welfare and wellbeing of the people. It is on the basis of our client’s passion for the people and to ensure democracy that our client made the Publication requesting explanation and whereabout of the palliative assigned by the Federal Government to various constituencies of Nigeria. We wish to bring to your notice that our client is entitled to information about the Palliative as well as the general public under the Freedom of Information Act 2015; an act which makes public records and information more freely available.

Our client is entitled to good representation as well as the good people of oredo constituency of Edo State, and who voted you as their representative.

It is our brief that upon our client’s publication of a request which is not offensive nor misleading, you responded by sending him a message to wit: “Pls next time investigate before you start spreading false news”. The said WhatsApp response is herein attached for your consideration.which message was seen and shared with our clients by not less than ten persons.

Your response to our client is unsatisfactory, arrogant, annoying and does not address the issues raised by our client. We humbly wish to state that your response is suggestive of the fact that our client is spreading false, misleading information, rumors and misguiding the general public. We therefore humbly request that you make a retraction of your response to our client through any generally acceptable means and print media fothwith.

Please take notice that Notice of Pre-action of 48 hours is hereby given to you, as we may be inclined to initiating the actual instruction of our client by exploring legal means to seek remedy.

Please be guided accordingly.






          Joel karutu.



cc.The National Chairman

     labour party,

     fct, Abuja.

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