Addressing the Urgent Need for Accountability in Palliative Disbursement


In these challenging times, it is imperative that we, as leaders and advocates for the people, prioritize the well-being of every citizen. The recent delays in the distribution of approved palliatives, particularly within the Labour Party constituency in Edo South, highlight a glaring issue of accountability and transparency within our governance structures. As the founder of One Love Foundation and a fervent champion of justice and equality, I, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor, known affectionately as the Ultimate Equal, feel compelled to address this pressing matter.

The approval of palliatives by the Presidency is a recognition of the severe hardships faced by many Nigerians, exacerbated by economic challenges and health crises. However, the prolonged delay in delivering these essential provisions is simply unacceptable. I call upon all stakeholders involved, especially within the Labour Party, to swiftly release the allocated palliative to alleviate the suffering of our constituents.

The names of Hon. Murphy Omoruyi, Hon. Engineer Iyawe, and Sen. Neda Imasuen have surfaced due to allegations of their involvement in the delay of palliative distribution. I implore these individuals to provide transparent explanations for the delay and to address these concerns promptly. Furthermore, I extend an open invitation for them to refute any accusations made against them, emphasizing the paramount importance of accountability and integrity in leadership.

Labour Party prides itself on its unwavering commitment to the people, distinguishing itself as a party that prioritizes the welfare of citizens above all else. I reaffirm this principle, underscoring our party's people-centric approach and unwavering dedication to placing the needs of the populace first. In light of recent events, I urge the National Chairman of Labour Party, Julius Abure, to intervene and ensure that party members uphold these core values of governance.

I issue a firm ultimatum, giving a strict deadline of 48 hours for all concerned parties, including senators withholding palliatives, to respond to this urgent call for action. Failure to comply will result in further escalation of the matter, including formal complaints to the Presidency, Senate, and EFCC. This decisive stance reflects my unwavering commitment to holding those in positions of power accountable for their actions.

At its core, Nigeria must progress towards a future where the well-being of its citizens is prioritized above all else. As the President of One Love Foundation, I stand as a beacon of hope for those who are suffering and marginalized. My advocacy for accountability, transparency, and compassion resonates deeply with the aspirations of every Nigerian striving for a better tomorrow.

In conclusion, the delay in the disbursement of approved palliatives is not merely a bureaucratic issue but a moral imperative that demands immediate attention. My unwavering commitment to justice and equality serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring others to join the fight for a more just and equitable society. Nigeria cannot afford to continue down this path of neglect and indifference. It is time to act decisively, to ensure that every citizen receives the support and assistance they need to thrive. Only then can we truly move forward as a nation united in purpose and compassion.

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