ASUU Strike: Why are we silent? Lecturers speak up.


The Federal Government (FG) issued a circular announcing a salary increase of 25/35% for University workers, effective from January 2023. However, despite being in December 2023, no action has been taken on the implementation of this circular. Furthermore, the issue is already included in the 2023 budget, yet the media remains silent on this matter.

Additionally, the FG publicly stated that our withheld salary would be released, but as we are still in December 2023, no progress has been made, and the media continues to remain silent on this issue.

Moreover, the FG promised that our EAA (Earned Academic Allowance) would be released by the first quarter of 2023. However, it is now December 2023, and no steps have been taken to fulfill this promise. To make matters worse, the media remains silent on this matter as well.

The House of Representatives set up a committee to address the ongoing issues with university staff, and a two-week ultimatum was given. As of December 2023, we have not received any feedback, and there has been silence in the media regarding this matter. We have been left to suffer due to unfulfilled promises by the federal government, and there has been no vocal support from the media. The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) seems to be observing from the sidelines, while students and their parents have remained silent. It feels as though the public only pays attention when we resort to strike actions. Our leaders have mentioned giving the new government time to address the situation, but the lack of progress is disheartening.

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