Abba Kyari's Case: Only death sentence can kill corruption in Nigeria -Dr. Eholor (FoNS)


The Father of Nigerian Students-FONS, Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal has reacted to the statement by the Abba Kyari's lawyers, trying to shift the criminal offence on the NDLEA.

In an exclusive interview with FoNS anchored by Busuyi Ojo-Jobus, the Publisher of All Campus Show yesterday in his house, Ultimate Equal passionately analyzed the corruption behind the Kyari's case, he unveiled the rank of the Police officer arrested with drug trafficking, Abba Kyari, he said Abba Kyari is a police and a billionaire, FoNS questioned his salary, he said "How much is Kyari's salary, where did he see his money?"

Eholor further said, "when Abba kyari was arrested, I think I was the first Nigerian who took up the case to extradite him to America but his lawyers are trying to paint him as a saint and this is doing us lots of evil. I am not on the side of NDLEA neither on the side of the police, the both are corrupt but I am here to tell the public that Abba Kyari is not a saint as we think."

Although, according to Trojan news, in their recent report, it was learnt that the Abba Kyari's lawyers were trying to paint Kyari as a saint by saying it was the NDLEA that are criminals. 

Trojan reported with headline that says "Abba Kyari Is Not A Drug Baron And Not Member Of Any Drug Cartel, By Barr Suleiman Shehu"

In the report, it was said that "Abba Kyari is not a drug baron and not member of any drug cartel, by Barr Suleiman Shehu Abba Kyari is not a drug baron or drug dealer. He has never imported any drugs to Nigeria or dealt with any drugs to any country. The NDLEA has been challenged to produce any evidence linking Kyari to any drug trafficking or any drug baron or group. Nigerians and indeed the world Police knows that the Police IRT arrested the drug traffickers who brought drugs from Brazil through Ethiopia and down to Nigeria.

"It’s public knowledge that these drug traffickers the police IRT arrested had been trafficking drugs in active connivance with NDLEA officers. When they were arrested in Enugu early 2022, they confessed in written and on video that has gone viral that the NDLEA facilitated their drug trafficking and ensured they successfully escaped the law enforcement agents at the Enugu and other airports across the country. In fact, they further confessed that on the few occasions they were arrested, they were cleared and freed by the NDLEA operatives.

"They further indicted and accused the NDLEA operatives during their confession on video that went viral and is also serving as exhibit in court and their oral and written testimonies in court, that they paid money to the NDLEA operatives to clear them out of Enugu Airport before Police arrested them outside the airport.

Prior to the report above, the criminals caught in Enugu are not in the picture again, we only have left our Police and NDLEA officers shifting crime on each other, it's a porous situation that the security agents who are supposed to shield us, execute laws are the law breakers.

Dr. Eholor (FoNS) reacted and described it as Africans fault, due to our ignorance of democracy, he said "Africans are aliens to democracy, you see, I'm a Canadian, we should be aware that Mafians are running Nigeria, Mafians have runned Americans many years ago, in Nigeria, we know most of this security agencies and their officers are very corrupt people.

"The judiciary have to be strong, what I see is that judiciary are weak to go after the strong and they are strong to go after the weak. I am an advocate of death sentence, what makes China great today and corruption free is that they are able to have what we call death sentence, when you steal in China or corrupt even robbing the public fund, they will take the criminal to the Market Square, ask his family to pay for the bullets and execute him in their presence there.

"If general masses support me, I have billboard everywhere, that we should have a death sentence when anyone steals public fund that he or she should die through death by hanging or a firing squad.

"Nigerians should know that we can still do the legit things and still make it" Dr. Eholor concluded

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