A Plea for Urgent Federal Intervention: Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor Calls on President Tinubu to Address the Deepening Crisis in Rivers State.


In the face of the growing crisis in Rivers State, I, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor (FoNS) otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, founder of the One Love Foundation , feel compelled to raise my voice in concern and appeal to the federal government, under the leadership of President Tinubu, to urgently intervene and address the escalating tensions that threaten the peace and stability of our great nation.

The heart of the matter lies in the actions and words of Wike, the former governor of Rivers and a prominent member of the People's Democratic Party (PDP). Wike, now serving as the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in the APC government, has been at the center of controversies that cast a shadow over the democratic principles we hold dear.

Wike's public admission that he bought tickets for the entire Port Harcourt House of Assembly, including the governor, is a brazen violation of democratic norms. In an ideal society, such actions would warrant serious consequences, and Wike, in my sincere opinion, should be facing the appropriate legal repercussions. No individual, regardless of their political influence, should play the role of a self-appointed deity within our democratic framework.

It is disheartening to note that Wike, a figure entrusted with the responsibilities of governance, has demonstrated a lack of respect for his kinsmen, the youth, and women. True governance should be founded on inclusivity, empathy, and a commitment to the well-being of all citizens. Unfortunately, Wike's actions suggest a power-hungry approach, devoid of the necessary compassion required in leadership.

Governor Fubara, Wike's successor in Rivers State, has faced undue challenges within just six months of taking office. The strained relationship between Wike and Fubara, rooted in a bitter rivalry with Amechi, further complicates the situation. Fubara's commendable efforts to revive projects abandoned during Wike's tenure have become a source of contention, leading to Wike's alleged demand for a monthly payment of #2 billion from the Fubara administration.

Wike's inconsistencies, from discrediting the APC as "cancerous" to his current role within the party, raise questions about his integrity and commitment to principled politics. His public declarations that he wasn't interested in being a vice president or minister, coupled with his past criticisms of the APC, point to a lack of sincerity and a willingness to prioritize personal interests over the welfare of the nation.

The neglect of Wike's own people during the flood crisis, as funds were diverted for political purposes, is an egregious betrayal. Leadership requires a dedication to the welfare of citizens, especially during times of crisis. Wike's actions during this period suggest a prioritization of personal gain over the lives of those he is duty-bound to protect.

As concerned citizens, we must urgently call on the federal government to intervene in the Rivers State crisis. President Tinubu, we appeal to your leadership to swiftly address this situation and prevent further escalation. The flames of discord must not be allowed to engulf the entire nation, and the repercussions of a destabilized Rivers State would undoubtedly affect the entirety of our beloved country.

It is imperative that we sue for peace in Rivers State and consider declaring a state of emergency if necessary. Ethnic coloration must be avoided, as the diverse population of the state deserves harmonious coexistence. President Tinubu, the time is now to demonstrate strong and decisive leadership, upholding the democratic values that form the bedrock of our great nation.

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