If we do not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria indeed-Eholor.


"The way and manner certain uninformed Nigerians blame the immediate past administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan of corruption makes one to hold the opinion that corruption began and ended also with that administration. This is erroneous because corruption didn’t begin with that administration and didn’t end with it; it will not even end with the Buhari’s government. There is still corruption in Nigeria at the moment, even corruption has been embolden since the assumption in office by Mr. Buhari as corruption is now walking with shoulder high on the streets of Nigeria and it will remain in Nigeria. This is so because corruption has been in Nigeria before the country gained independence in 1960."

"The amalgamation of the Southern and Northern Protectorates in 1914 to form Nigeria was the beginning of corruption in this country. This was so as the amalgamation was executed without the consent of the various nations that composed the present Nigerian state hence there are mistrust, disunity, bitterness, hatred and demands by various ethnic groups to secede from the country. It is instructive to note that Nigeria is the only country that is formed without allowing the varied peoples that constitute the country to discuss the terms and conditions under which they would coexist. Since Nigeria was founded on corruption, corruption will continue to bloom and blossom in Nigeria until a new foundation of inclusiveness, equality, honesty, trust and incorruptibility is laid for this country."

(Businessday.ng/Jan. 9, 2022/Victor Anya)

However, another phase of corruption began when humongous sums of money suddenly disappeared from the coffers of government agencies, commissions and parastatals. Between 1976-1979, the oil sector lost huge amount of money. That was when the incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari was the Minister of Petroleum. Again, during the Gulf War, the same oil sector lost huge funds under Gen. Ibrahim Babangida regime. These huge sums of money were not accounted for by those administrations.

Similarly, corruption also came into Nigeria through obtaining local and foreign loans. Both governors and presidents at various times had obtained questionable loans with no visible infrastructures to show for such ginormous loans. The Abacha's loot is one of the funds that wrecked Nigeria, Diezani Madueke, the former petroleum minister's embezzled funds can pay ASUU agreement funds, Tafa Balogun, former IGP was arrested for transferring public fund to private account, The immediate past EFCC Chairman, Bawa, who is assigned to arrest, execute, arraign government officials was also caught in corruption, where is now the hope if corruption is found with this set of people?

Eholor in his post today also lamented on the level of corruption in the country, in the post, he said:

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and Nigeria is destroyed."

"Let us look at the supposed institutions in Nigeria, starting from the presidency, the National House of Assemblies who are the law makers, the judiciary, the state governors who are the executives, the arm forces, the customs, the immigration, the civil defence, the road safety corps, the civil servants, Corruption is an epidemic to these various organisations. INEC is the head of these corruptions, they allowed us to vote and deny our vote to count. It is time for us as Nigeria to ask ourselves questions if we can continue like this as people without conscience. We have the highest numbers of mosques and churches in these institutions we start our prayers with deceit and lies and also end it up with deceit and lies. Remember GOD don’t build bridges. LET THE CHANGE BEGINS FROM US OR WE MIGHT BE POSTPONING DOOMSDAY."

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