#EndFRSC: Disband FRSC with immediate effect, Eholor cries.

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, The Global President of One Love Foundation, Father of Nigerian Students -FONS has called for the disbandment of Federal Road Safety Corps, Eholor said they have no understanding to their call and roles in the society. Ultimate Equal said:

"The Federal Road Safety Corps is the government agency with statutory responsibilities for road safety administration in Nigeria. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), which was established in 1988 by Gen. Ibrahim Babangida administration, which was good."

"FRSC is the top organization in Nigeria for managing and administering road safety. Additionally, it operates in all 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory."

" It was created for Making the highways safe for drivers and other users of the road, as well as evaluating the roadworthiness of vehicles, recommending works and infrastructures to prevent or reduce accidents on the highways, and informing drivers and the general public about the significance of maintaining road discipline on the highways are some of the statutory duties of the FRSC."

"However, the FRSC do not know their usefulness again, as most of our roads are bad for the motorists to navigate, the commercial and private drivers lament everyday that many accidents in Nigeria is caused by bad roads, yet we still have road safety officers to make this road safe for people, FRSC should be educated on their roles, their role is not to rush the accident victims to the hospitals, others are trained for that like Red Cross and the likes, FRSC role is to prevent the accident."

"FRSC director is going to court with our tax payers' money to challenge the rules he has broken for several years, therefore I call as the Senior Advocate of the Masses that the road safety must be disbanded, they have missed their mission, their reasons of existence, asking drivers for particulars, who gave you the right to ask for the particulars, then you start harassing citizens in their father's land. You meet to stop harassing market women, drivers wrongly."

"The FRSC complaining about people blowing sirens, why are you not arresting the senators because nobody is above the law.

The FRSC will learn their lesson just like the SARS." He concluded

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