I am a labour man and I'll remain a labour man- Patrick Eholor.

The Ultimate equal and founder of One Love Foundation, Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor has lately reiterated Unwavering Commitment to the Labour Party. He disclosed this to journalists in a statement issued after attending a Dinner party earlier organized for members of the Party, in a location undisclosed. 

The Statement reads: “I wish to first of all say thank you to our national chairman,Barr. Julius Abure,I also want to thank the Edo State P.C.C coordinator Mr Rowland Izeuwa for his impeccable leadership,as well as the rest members of P.C.C in Edo state,the dinner party was awesome,the interchange of encouragement was heartwarming.

“I want to thank the entire Diaspora committee members starting from the committee chairman Hon. Chike Divine. Once more, I say thank you to Our national chairman, Barr. Julius Abure for his intervention, and his capability to manage and nip in the bud, pressing issues that have been hovering around my resignation and other matters arising.” he said.

While addressing issue of his resignation from Labour Party, The Democratic Observer General affirmed his undaunted support for the Party come what may, as he reassures the public on his membership status. Dr. Patrick further acknowledged members of the Party in Diaspora for their overwhelming support whilst encouraging them to come out en mass to vote for Labour Party and all its candidates. Moreover, he commended the Labour Party Edo State Chairman and his executives with other political leaders and Chieftains across the length and breadth of the State and the entire Country.  

“Let me reassure the entire public that I am a labour man and I'll remain a labour man,we are one big happy family. Although there was a little misunderstanding, it has been resolved.

I want to use this medium to reassure Nigerians home and abroad, that the Obi movement is on course and is moving in the right direction and come 2023, by God's willing we shall deliver , Mr. Peter Obi as our next president.

“I will not fail to recognize the overwhelming support from our brothers and sisters in Diaspora in ensuring come 2023 the people will come out en mass to vote labour party and all it's candidates.

use this opportunity to thank most especially, the chairman of Labour party, Edo state. Comrade Kelly Ogbaloi, his executives and other Political leaders and Chieftains across the Length and Breadth of the State and Country.” He concluded.

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