A chit chat with One Love Foundation President, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor o over Labour Party Rally turned Carnival.

1. What message is this crowd of Obidients passing to the ruling party in 2023?

Answer: The people are disgruntled by the antics of the ruling party, and desire change. Democracy is simply defined as a form of government for the people, by the people... however, since its inception in 1999 power has remained in the hands of a selected few and the people want to get their voice heard this time for a change. No more "business as usual", it is time we took our country back from the elite cabal 

2. What is your confidence in this crowd ahead of the 2023 general elections?

Answer: Statistics show that only 30% of registered voters turn out for voting on election day. A large number of these voters are there for party allegiance, or for the promise of a little stipend to get by the day. In 2023, the people have finally seen a candidate that transcends all ethnic, traditional or political boundaries. They finally have a candidate worth queueing at the polling booth to cast their votes for, no matter what deterrent factors they may face. Expect the numbers to show that democracy is finally coming to Nigeria, as the people are going to make their choice regardless of affiliations but in search of the greater good. 

3. How is Labour Party in Edo gearing up to ensure one-man-vote?

 Answer: A grassroots sensitisation program is being carried out across the state to ensure that the good news of the eminent change, can reach even the most remote areas of the state. If the Jehovah witness can knock on all doors to spread the gospel of Jehovah, the Labour Party will follow suit and continue to educate the populace on the importance of coming out en-masse to cast their vote on election day, and most importantly remain at polling centers until after counting to ensure there's no room for foul play 

4. Are Obidients in Edo violent proned?

Answer: Nigerians are not a violent people. It is inherent in our nature to go about our business in a good natured and friendly manner, even though we might get carried away sometimes and resist attempts to be suppressed while we try to voice our honest opinion. The "Obidients" nationwide (not just in Edo state) are no different. We just want our voices to be heard, no matter how much opposition we might encounter. There's NO VIOLENCE among our ranks. The Bible says, at night when the innocent sleep, the wicked man came to plant weeds among the crops. We have detected elements who have attempted to put us in a bad light by claiming to be "Obidients" just to cause mayhem online or in strategic locations. These elements are miscreants and should be separated quickly from a peaceful but determined body of patriotic Nigerians. 

5. As a chieftain of Labour Party, what has been the source of funding such big campaigns by your party after the flag off?

Answer: ALL funding for our campaigns have come from the pockets of well-meaning Nigerians home and abroad. This election in 2023, is the first time people have finally found a reason to come together to make a difference. Raising funds to spread our message hasn't been an issue at all, as we have continued to receive goodwill messages from a lot of well-meaning Nigerians.... expect it to get even better in the coming weeks and months 

6. What is the role of One Love Foundation in this long road to 'freedom' as far as Labour Party is concerned?

Answer: The One Love Foundation has always been a patriotic association with the aim of promoting equality and protection of our fundamental human rights in the community, as provided in our constitution. Unfortunately, the ruling parties and their dictatorial regimes have constantly tried to suppress our voices as we called for the freedom to express ourselves. The One Love Foundation has it's members affiliated to labour party because of the yearning for good governance ,they are just trying to make a living no matter the obstacles we face in this country. We are very pleased that we have finally found a platform to make our voices heard, as we lead us all towards our end goal ..... a happy Nation. 

7. What are the issues your party is telling Nigerians and to woo their votes?

Answer: The problems in Nigeria need no definition. It is visible to the blind, and audible to the deaf. All of us can feel the heat, as we are all standing very close to the fire. Government has been a vehicle for enrichment, and the wealth distribution in this nation is very skewed to favour the 1% (which mostly consist of those in government and their cohorts). We need a government that cares about the people, and is constantly looking for a means to better the 99% and not just the elite. The Labour Party is the party for the common man. Once elected into power, we will constantly drive projects that will enrich the lives of the average Nigerian, and strive to eradicate basic problems that the average Nigerian is dealing with daily .... the most important of these being; hunger and insecurity. 

It is our aim to give Nigerians a country that they'll be happy to live in. We will make this great Nation a GIANT of Africa and a shining beacon to the World in general. Our goals are people driven, and not for the elite cabals. The Labour Party is for all hardworking and honest Nigerians, and together we will take our country back and make it great again.Our Presidential candidate, Dr Peter Obi has repeatedly said that all Labour Party supporters should refrain from using foul language in the course of their campaign and there should be no recourse to violence or unruly behavior. My mother told me your voice should bear a resemblance of the one who taught you how to sing so I therefore advise all "Obidients" to emulate Dr Peter Obi. Leadership is the capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and exhibition of character which inspires confidence.

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