Resign Now, Chief Eholor tells Chief of Army Staff.

The Founder and President of One love Foundation Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor Otherwise known as Ultimate equal has taken to his Facebook page Monday to comment on the recent happenings in the Niger Delta. 

In the video, Eholor complemented Tompolo for his efforts in the Niger Delta so far, he also stated that the Army generals both past and present are all culpable of oil theft. He further referred to the recent National Honor Awards organized by President Buhari, as one that is supposed to be given to people that merit it through genuine works of patriotism. Noting that such an award in the hand of the wrong person, is a disservice to this Country.

 While speaking on the recent discovery and destruction of oil vessel found in the Niger Delta he addressed the Chief of Defense Staff, Gen. Lucky Irabor as undeserving of the award. Chief Patrick who said that the Vessel discovered is a sabotage, also declared that instead of blowing up the vessels , Gen. Lucky should have handed over the case to the police for further investigations. 

According to him “There is an information that the Niger Delta is already polluted and predicted future disaster if the environment is not properly sanitized. The reason Gen. Irabor blew up the vessel is to cover up his cronies that have been stealing the oil. If they had been convicted and the vessel remained untouched, the oil would have been sold and used to repair the damages of pollution done in that area”

At the end of his statement Patriot Patrick called upon fellow Nigerians to join him in asking Gen Irabor to resign and render apologies to Nigerians.

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