How to become a good housewife material

After the last publication on how men can prepare themselves to be suitable husband material, I know many ladies were anticipating a write-up to enlighten them on how to prepare to become prospective help-mates to their partner. 

A wedding, as we all know, is an event, but marriage is an institution with no graduation certificate. Just as you prepare weeks or days before sitting for an examination or interview, as ladies, we must consciously imbibe specific dispositions, temperaments, and behavior that will attract the opposite sex. 

I desire to equip us with vital knowledge and share tips on personal development plans that will help you develop your character in our quest to have a dream spouse and marriage.

Here are some qualities to imbibe.

1.  Be Teachable

Besides being facially attractive, a man will be quickly drawn to ladies who are willing to accept their limitations in knowledge. I say this because marriage will require a lot from you, and circumstances will come where you might have opposing views with your partner. Also, acknowledge you don't know it all, be open-minded, be willing to be taught, be a lifelong learner and accept reproves and corrections and learn to make the best out of them.

2.  Avoid Complaining and Comparing 

Agree that your partner is unique, don't try to compare them with your previous relationship. They are called your ex for a reason. Assume a state of forgetfulness regarding your last failed relationship. If you intend to complain about everything, you might have an unnecessary headache.  Instead, build systems that will help you communicate better with your spouse rather than complaining. No one loves a complaining housewife.  

3.  Forgive Easily

Build stamina to forgive ahead of time. Have a tolerance structure that emits forgiveness at every given time. Check your current relationship with others if you are the type that easily gets offended and reacts at the slightest provocation. You might need to work on that, or you will become frustrated in marriage. 

4. Be Supportive 

Don't plan to depend entirely financially on your spouse. Men admire and appreciate skillful women. Plan to be a value-adding partner. 

5. Read Books

Read as many books as possible on your role as a wife and attend specifically singles conferences to broaden your knowledge.

6. Cultivate the Habit of Saving 

It would help if you practiced saving as a culture. If you already have a business, learn to keep a percentage of your income.  You can also buy shares from reliable companies and establishments; it doesn't cost much. The goal is to accrue interest. 

7. Be Caring and Loving 

Men love attention and a loving spouse. Speak lovely words and show affection always. Use words like l love you more often, encourage them when necessary, and say thank you when assisted. Do not deny your husband sex when needed; plan to spice up your marriage and be spontaneous. 

Also, care for his family members, and win their hearts by constantly checking on them and sending items without being told. 

In addition, we have popularly heard the way to a man's heart is through his belly; please learn to cook a variety of excellent dishes. 

8. Be Clean and Package Well

Men are easily attracted to physical appearance. If you don't know how to package yourself well, you will attract the wrong people. Always be conscious of what you wear, match colors well, and don't go around looking unkempt. 

Make your hair when due and always look your best.


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